Friday, May 18, 2012

Score for me

Started carving one to sell and then there was a strange defect in the briar by the time I worked through it there was not enough material to make it perfectly round so I left it a little rough and finished it for myself it smokes very well it's a shame because t has nice figure I still like it though!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I'm very into vintage shaving paraphernalia. I had this old Gillette safety razor laying around with a cracked handle so I took the head and turned a new handle out of this purple wood I found in sinks canyon. Cool!

I'm chucked!

Scored a nice solid vintage chuck and now my lathe is actually useful

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Carve is getting around!

Eric in LV got his pipe and sent me this snap of the maiden voyage. Thanks Eric! If you all want to be as half as cool as Eric you're gonna need one of these babies...and a ridiculously cool deraked Harley chop.