Friday, December 27, 2013

Carve! in a store!

Mr. Cruse has been gracious enough to start carrying my pipes. there's a freehand of mine in there now. go check it out at Casper Cigar Co! also give him your patronage just because hes a good dude with a great shop.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


My best friend Brandon Designed and printed these awesome Business cards and I made a holder out of scrape briar! looks sweet!

The Viking

A new friend of mine who is a huge tobacconist and a strong supporter of Carve , Josh Cruse the owner of Casper Cigar Co. wanted me to breathe some life into this awesome old estate pipe. It has a metal stem with cooling fins and a briar bowl that threads to the rest of the pipe. The bottom reads "Viking, Made in USA" with some research it turns out they were very popular in the 50's and early 60's and they were sold with mulitple bowls of different sizes and sometimes different colors and materials.

Oh yeah, I do repairs too!

The Very man that got me into Tobacco Pipes had an old Medico that needed some love so I reburbed the finish for him


Christmas Present for Jon

My girlfriend's dad is a pipe smoker and is very into all things Middle Earth so I made him this Light colored Freehand Churchwarden its very long and super badass!

First Freehand

I made my first freehand and was very happy with how it turned out and now it is on its way to Eric a repeat costomer in Las Vegas.

Smokestack Lightening

I made this for my friend and boss the tobacco chamber is so massive I had to make my own boring bit to make it. It smokes like a beast and Steve is very happy with it

The Long Silence.

For the past year and a half I had totally stopped making pipes mainly due to no work space but we moved into a house with a shop that dedicated to Carve! I'm hitting it hard now and want to take it as far as I can an eventually make it a full time career.
Its not much but its exactly what I need. Stay smokey my friends.